Project 4 - Scheme Interpreter

In this project we built an interpreter for a subset of the Scheme language. We weren't really starting from scratch and all the specs were really well defined, so you always knew where and what to implement.

I think it's useful for students new to programming to work on a project like this, because it requires them to navigate a "larger" codebase as opposed to the atomic problems that one deals with in the homeworks and labs.

We also got to write some Scheme in Part 4, Problem 19 being the creme de la creme, after finishing that one, I was really happy to be done with this project. 😄



Implementation overview

Here is a brief overview of each of the Read-Eval-Print Loop components in our interpreter. Refer to this section as you work through the project as a reminder of how all the small pieces fit together!

  • Read: This step parses user input (a string of Scheme code) into our interpreter's internal Python representation of Scheme expressions (e.g. Pairs).

    • Lexical analysis has already been implemented for you in the tokenize_lines function in This function returns a Buffer (from of tokens. You do not need to read or understand the code for this step.

    • Syntactic analysis happens in, in the scheme_read and read_tail functions. Together, these mutually recursive functions parse Scheme tokens into our interpreter's internal Python representation of Scheme expressions. You will complete both functions.

  • Eval: This step evaluates Scheme expressions (represented in Python) to obtain values. Code for this step is in the main file.

    • Eval happens in the scheme_eval function. If the expression is a call expression, it gets evaluated according to the rules for evaluating call expressions (you will implement this). If the expression being evaluated is a special form, the corresponding do_?_form function is called. You will complete several of the do_?_form functions.

    • Apply happens in the scheme_apply function. If the function is a built-in procedure, scheme_apply calls the apply method of that BuiltInProcedure instance. If the procedure is a user-defined procedure, scheme_apply creates a new call frame and calls eval_all on the body of the procedure, resulting in a mutually recursive eval-apply loop.

  • Print: This step prints the __str__ representation of the obtained value.

  • Loop: The logic for the loop is handled by the read_eval_print_loop function in You do not need to understand the entire implementation.

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