Lab 8 - OOP

If you've ever used an object, this task is quite easy - made to practice manipulating data via OOP.

The first question is non conding - what would python do.



Q2: Making Cards

To play a card game, we're going to need to have cards, so let's make some! We're gonna implement the basics of the Card class first.

First, implement the Card class constructor in This constructor takes three arguments:

  • the name of the card, a string

  • the attack stat of the card, an integer

  • the defense stat of the card, an integer

Each Card instance should keep track of these values using instance attributes called name, attack, and defense.

You should also implement the power method in Card, which takes in another card as an input and calculates the current card's power. Check the Rules section if you want a refresher on how power is calculated.

class Card(object):
    cardtype = 'Staff'

    def __init__(self, name, attack, defense):
        Create a Card object with a name, attack,
        and defense.
        >>> staff_member = Card('staff', 400, 300)
        >>> staff_member.attack
        >>> staff_member.defense
        >>> other_staff = Card('other', 300, 500)
        >>> other_staff.attack
        >>> other_staff.defense
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    def power(self, other_card):
        Calculate power as:
        (player card's attack) - (opponent card's defense)/2
        where other_card is the opponent's card.
        >>> staff_member = Card('staff', 400, 300)
        >>> other_staff = Card('other', 300, 500)
        >>> staff_member.power(other_staff)
        >>> other_staff.power(staff_member)
        >>> third_card = Card('third', 200, 400)
        >>> staff_member.power(third_card)
        >>> third_card.power(staff_member)
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

Q2: Solution

class Card(object):
    cardtype = 'Staff'
    def __init__(self, name, attack, defense):
        Create a Card object with a name, attack,
        and defense.
        >>> staff_member = Card('staff', 400, 300)
        >>> staff_member.attack
        >>> staff_member.defense
        >>> other_staff = Card('other', 300, 500)
        >>> other_staff.attack
        >>> other_staff.defense
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" = name
        self.attack = attack
        self.defense = defense

    def power(self, other_card):
        Calculate power as:
        (player card's attack) - (opponent card's defense)/2
        where other_card is the opponent's card.
        >>> staff_member = Card('staff', 400, 300)
        >>> other_staff = Card('other', 300, 500)
        >>> staff_member.power(other_staff)
        >>> other_staff.power(staff_member)
        >>> third_card = Card('third', 200, 400)
        >>> staff_member.power(third_card)
        >>> third_card.power(staff_member)
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        return self.attack - other_card.defense / 2

    def effect(self, other_card, player, opponent):
        Cards have no default effect.

    def __repr__(self):
        Returns a string which is a readable version of
        a card, in the form:
        <cardname>: <cardtype>, [<attack>, <defense>]
        return '{}: {}, [{}, {}]'.format(, self.cardtype, self.attack, self.defense)

    def copy(self):
        Returns a copy of this card.
        return Card(, self.attack, self.defense)t

Q3: Making a Player

Now that we have cards, we can make a deck, but we still need players to actually use them. We'll now fill in the implementation of the Player class.

A Player instance has three instance attributes:

  • name is the player's name. When you play the game, you can enter your name, which will be converted into a string to be passed to the constructor.

  • deck is an instance of the Deck class. You can draw from it using its .draw() method.

  • hand is a list of Card instances. Each player should start with 5 cards in their hand, drawn from their deck. Each card in the hand can be selected by its index in the list during the game. When a player draws a new card from the deck, it is added to the end of this list.

Complete the implementation of the constructor for Player so that self.hand is set to a list of 5 cards drawn from the player's deck.

Next, implement the draw and play methods in the Player class. The draw method draws a card from the deck and adds it to the player's hand. The play method removes and returns a card from the player's hand at the given index

class Player(object):
    def __init__(self, deck, name):
        """Initialize a Player object.
        A Player starts the game by drawing 5 cards from their deck. Each turn,
        a Player draws another card from the deck and chooses one to play.
        >>> test_card = Card('test', 100, 100)
        >>> test_deck = Deck([test_card.copy() for _ in range(6)])
        >>> test_player = Player(test_deck, 'tester')
        >>> len(
        >>> len(test_player.hand)
        self.deck = deck = name
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        self.hand = [self.deck.draw() for card in range(5)]

    def draw(self):
        """Draw a card from the player's deck and add it to their hand.
        >>> test_card = Card('test', 100, 100)
        >>> test_deck = Deck([test_card.copy() for _ in range(6)])
        >>> test_player = Player(test_deck, 'tester')
        >>> test_player.draw()
        >>> len(
        >>> len(test_player.hand)
        assert not self.deck.is_empty(), 'Deck is empty!'
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    def play(self, card_index):
        """Remove and return a card from the player's hand at the given index.
        >>> from cards import *
        >>> test_player = Player(standard_deck, 'tester')
        >>> ta1, ta2 = TACard("ta_1", 300, 400), TACard("ta_2", 500, 600)
        >>> tutor1, tutor2 = TutorCard("t1", 200, 500), TutorCard("t2", 600, 400)
        >>> test_player.hand = [ta1, ta2, tutor1, tutor2]
        >>> is ta1 
        >>> is tutor2 
        >>> len(test_player.hand)
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        return self.hand.pop(card_index)

    def display_hand(self):
        Display the player's current hand to the user.
        print('Your hand:')
        for card_index, displayed_card in zip(range(len(self.hand)),[str(card) for card in self.hand]):
            indent = ' '*(5 - len(str(card_index)))
            print(card_index, indent + displayed_card)

    def play_random(self):
        Play a random card from hand.

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